Yesterday, the UK Deputy High Commissioner to Kenya, Susie Kitchens, accepted an invitation to tea from the Commonwealth Businesswomen’s Network (CBW) with founder of PowerWoman International, Nana Wanjau, ahead of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in London 2018.

She clearly enjoyed the meeting as she Tweeted afterwards that “If you are invited to tea with the Commonwealth Businesswomen’s Network and PowerWoman International, go!”

The Commonwealth Businesswomen’s Network works with women in business by connecting Governments and the private sector to encourage and enable women’s economic empowerment. It achieves this through delivering activities, initiatives, products and services focused on trade, talent and training. CBW also sits on the main governance body on gender for the 53 Commonwealth Governments and can lobby on the behalf of its members.


Kenyan based PowerWoman International believes that when you empower a woman, you have empowered her entire home, community and nation. They support ostracised women under four pillars; Counselling, Widow Shelters, Education and Female Empowerment.

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